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Address: 700 N. Devilliers, Pensacola, FL 32501 - Phone: (850) 696-7656 - info@pars-co.net - License #: CGC1512307

ParsCo’s Integrated Project Delivery Method

Posted on by ParsCo Construction

ParsCo utilizes numerous different ways to deliver a project to Owners. One of ParsCo’s preferred methods that has become increasingly popular recently is ParsCo’s Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). This delivery model is based on construction principals that adds value through maximizing efficiency and collaboration of all involved (owner, A/E, builders, trade contractors, facility managers, end-users). 



ParsCo has been a pioneer in utilizing this method and has perfected the system.  This method can be implemented in conjunction with typical delivery methods such as CM-at-Risk or Design-Build.


IPD is based on a philosophy of facilitation and empowerment, which creates a truly integrated team composed of both key project stakeholders and trade contractors. IPD integrates trade contractors’ expertise into the design effort through a process called Design Assist, which involves bringing onboard trade contractors during the design phase through a competitive and value-based procurement process so they can collaborate directly with the designers — resulting in buildings designed around actual equipment and systems, superior constructability reviews, and RF’Is and other questions being clarified prior to construction documents.




Key principles of IPD include:

1)       Collaborative innovation and decision-making

2)       Mutual respect and trust

3)       Open and enhanced communication

4)       Early involvement of key participants

5)       Intensified planning preconstruction management

6)       Design Assist

7)       Appropriate use of technology (BIM, iBuild)

8)       Optimizing effectiveness and efficiency throughout project life-cycle

9)       Continuous process improvement



Some of the Major Benefits of IPD are:

1)       Schedule optimization (eliminates schedule waste)

2)       Reduced project costs (through schedule optimization/refined coordination)

3)       Increased team communication, collaboration, and cohesion

4)       Higher quality facilities based on a common goal and increased collaboration with trades

5)       Safer jobsite through better understanding of workflow by all


For more information on how ParsCo professionals can assist you in your next project using IPD contact us at 850-696-7656 or email us at info@pars-co.net.


ParsCo, LLC

55 South A Street

P.O. Box 12862

Pensacola, FL 32591

Visit us on the web at www.parscoconstruction.com


Construction Management

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