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Address: 700 N. Devilliers, Pensacola, FL 32501 - Phone: (850) 696-7656 - info@pars-co.net - License #: CGC1512307

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Severe Weather Damage- Escambia Santa Rosa Okaloosa County storm damage response teams ready

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Strong winds, heavy rain, trees falling, lightning strikes causing fire = Major property damage in the Northwest Florida Panhandle cities of Pensacola, Navarre, Ft. Walton Beach, and surrounding areas. 

ParsCo Construction emergency response teams are ready and on the scenes already addressing emergency damage repairs and mitigating future losses since rain and additional water damage is eminent with more severe weather forecasted for tomorrow. 

We continue to monitor the situation to our west. Widespread and organized severe weather is ongoing across the Lower Mississippi Valley. Severe thunderstorm, outlined in blue, and tornado, outlined in red, watches have been issued as far east as the the Mississippi/Alabama state line. Numerous severe weather warnings are in effect across the region and the Florida Panhandle will be undergoing more Severe Weather in the next 24 hours. 

Contact ParsCo for Emergency Response and Insurance Claim Services at 850-696-7656 or email us at emergency@parscoconstruction.com

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ParsCo completes new project 3 weeks ahead of schedule

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ParsCo is proud to announce another successful project completed nearly 3 weeks ahead of schedule.  This LEED sensitive Science and Technology Academy was based on a “free flow”, hands-on, collegiate style learning environment.



The $30 million dollar facility was designed with flexibility in mind, maximizing opportunities for students to work together on group projects, and interact with professional staff. 




Sustainable measures consisted of minimizing rain water run-off, energy usage savings, and labor intensive maintenance.  The Architecture team of Perez. And Verges/Rome created the “high tech school” concept. 














ParsCo, LLC

55 South A Street

P.O. Box 12862

Pensacola, FL 32591

O:  850.696.7656

F:   850.390.4943

Visit us on the web at www.parscoconstruction.com


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ParsCo Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings- Pensacola, Navarre, Ft. Walton Beach, Destin, Panama City, Milton/Pace- FL; Mobile- AL; Baldwin County – AL

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ParsCo and VP Buildings specialize in the computer-aided design of pre-engineered steel systems construction for low-rise, nonresidential buildings. Working closely with architects, engineers, and contractors, we offer buildings that combine extraordinary esthetic appeal with optimum functionality.

Steel systems construction can be used for a wide variety of buildings, including:
With advanced construction methods, we can incorporate glass, brick, stone, or pre-cast concrete for special purpose or distinctive appeal.
Call us at 850-696-7656 or email us at info@parscoconstruction.com for more info.  

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ParsCo review of the World’s Largest Concrete Pour Scheduled in Los Angeles

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ParsCo Construction (Pensacola, FL) prides itself in having extensive experience in completing massive structural concrete projects and high-rise construction.  ParsCo knows the blueprint for the successful execution of a project is as important as the blueprint for the project itself. That’s why we develop accurate construction plans, as well as efficient, thorough, complete, and cost-saving construction management methods. All of which are extremely critical when preparing for a world record concrete pour. 


ParsCo recently reviewed and evaluated the first high-rise project in Los Angeles in more than 20 years, which will include a foundation system that is expected to break the Guiness Book of World Record’s largest concrete pour in the world.  The Wilshire Grand project is a 73 story project that will include offices, retail, and hotel rooms and is expected to be completed in 2017.  Turner Construction is the General Contractor, and in conjunction with Los Angeles based architecture firm AC Martin and Engineering firm Brandow and Johnston, completing a continuous pour to complete the  concrete foundation was considered the most economical way to do the project. 



So just how massive is this concrete foundation?    The total concrete pour volume is estimated at 21,200 Cubic Yards (CY).  CalPortland, the concrete supplier, is expected to utilize 208 concrete trucks to each make 10 deliveries from one of nine batch plants.  Turner will mobilize 19 pumps which will dispense the concrete through 13 different hoses into the pit.   The entire pour process is expected to take 30 hours.  The pit is reinforced with nearly 7 million pounds of reinforcing steel and the total estimated weight of the concrete will be 84 million pounds. 


So how large exactly is the foundation and the building?  The pit is estimated to be 18 feet deep and nearly two-thirds the area of a football field. The project will be the tallest high-rise west of the Mississippi River. 


1 ParsCo Construction High-Rise

One major task in being able to complete a concrete pour of this magnitude was to develop a system that would cool the concrete heat of hydration (exothermic reactions) enough for it solidify.  This was accomplished by installing nearly 19 miles of plastic tubing throughout the foundation to pump refrigerants through the mass for a period of 2 weeks. 



This project is no small task, and careful review and evaluation was required to plan this activity.  Because of the magnitude and costs involved, the main topics of consideration that required planning with back-up contingency plans were:

1)       Sourcing materials – concrete batch plants within 20 miles of site – 8 to be used with one backup

2)      Access from batch plants to site – concrete needs to be placed within 90 minutes of being batched

3)      Pump trucks – having on-site 18 trucks with one backup

4)      Cooling system to achieve proper strength of materials

5)      Design considerations and how to make project a reality utilizing real-world means/methods available to construction crews today



For more information on how to involve ParsCo in planning, reviewing, and building your next construction project, call us at 850-696-7656 or info@parscoconstruction.com.


Visit us on the web at www.parscoconstruction.com



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ParsCo Construction solves Common Surveying Errors

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Common Surveying Errors



Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them, commonly practiced by licensed surveyors, and members of various building professions. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership, locations (building corners, surface location of subsurface features) or other governmentally required or civil law purposes (property sales).

It is an important function in today’s world, and not just for construction.  More and more people utilize GIS systems and don’t even realize it.  A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. The acronym GIS is sometimes used for geographical information science or geospatial information studies to refer to the academic discipline or career of working with geographic information systems and is a large domain within the broader academic discipline of Geoinformatics.

A GIS can be thought of as a system that provides spatial data entry, management, retrieval, analysis, and visualization functions. The implementation of a GIS is often driven by jurisdictional (such as a city), purpose, or application requirements. Generally, a GIS implementation may be custom-designed for an organization. Hence, a GIS deployment developed for an application, jurisdiction, enterprise, or purpose may not be necessarily interoperable or compatible with a GIS that has been developed for some other application, jurisdiction, enterprise, or purpose. What goes beyond a GIS is a spatial data infrastructure, a concept that has no such restrictive boundaries.

So for those of you that don’t realize it, you utilize GIS systems everytime you use your GPS system, your SmartPhone Map system, or even Google Earth or other online based web-based map viewer system. 

Surveying data is the backbone for GIS systems and often errors in the collection of this data is encountered.  Errors can be generated from the collection or recording.  In our blog today we will address some examples of common surveying errors and solutions.



A helpful term for layman is to understand what surveyors refer to as  “Paper Streets”.  Paper streets are roads that have not been constructed, yet appear on the record.  Many times in areas that have little infrastructructure, lots and properties abut the paper streets.   The paper streets can actually run across residential lawns, down steep ledges, and through swamps and wetlands.  The issue at hand is that many times these “paper streets” are contrary to the property owner’s deeds.

This is a common issue, and ultimately  a court may have to decide to deal with the “paper street”. 



Another issue that is very common is a “protracted survey”.  A protracted survey is a subdivision plan that portrays any number of  lots without the benefit of field measurements.  Typically, they show no survey markers or monuments within the subdivision and as a result, surveyors have difficulty retracing any of the lots shown on the plan because there is nothing to measure from.  Other deficiencies in these plans are missing angular measurements, and distance measurements that display values rounded to the nearest foot. 

Protracted surveys were common between 1920 and 1950.  Thanks to licensing procedures and strong regulations, these surveys are no longer produced.  Nevertheless the legacy lives on.  Deeds still refer to these plans  in their legal descriptions.  It is not uncommon to find “pincushion corners” in these subdivisions.  Pincushion corners often lead to boundary disputes and if they are not handled properly, they can lead to costly litigation.



One of the most frustrating and perplexing phenomena in the practice of land surveying is the presence of more than one marker representing the same lot corner.  This occurs when inexperienced, unlicensed, or uncaring surveyors are involved in the survey.  It is frustrating to the surveyors who mark the corner; and it confuses the client and the abutters (neighbors).  This issue always leads to an argument. 

The most common practice in solving this issue, is for the surveyor to identify and relate the corner in question to at least three record markers (survey monuments).  Unfortunately, this is not always possible.  The most difficult surveys are those that have no record monuments to which the survey can refer.  Such surveys are generally within subdivisions known as “protracted subdivisions”. 

Survey regulations require that you consult with any surveyors who have set a marker at a corner if there is disagreement with its position.   At such a conference, it is anticipated that the result of such a conference will be an agreement thus avoiding the presence of an opposing marker.   Surveyors who come across multiple markers apparently intended to represent the same corner refer to them as “pincushion corners” for reasons that are obvious.


If you are in need of surveying expertise or dispute resolution regarding a surveying error, contact ParsCo at 850-696-7656 or email us at info@parscoconstruction.com


Visit us on the web at www.parscoconstruction.com



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ParsCo Construction experts in AL, LA, MS, GA, TN, AR, FL, SC, NC, WV, NV, VI

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ParsCo successfully completed testing approval with Nascla to finalize General Contractor Licensing for the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, the Carolina's, Georgia, Nevada, West Virginia, Virgin Islands.

For expert construction services in AL, LA, MS, GA, TN, AR, FL, SC, NC, WV, NV, VI contact us at 850-696-7656 or email us at info@parscoconstruction.com.

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Destin Commons new retail construction projects – ParsCo Construction- Pensacola, Fl

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ParsCo Construction, the leading expert in retail and tenant finish-out construction projects in Florida, is proud to announce that two more names can be added to the list of new stores that will be part of Destin Commons’ expansion when it opens next summer.

Charming Charlie, a women’s fashion accessories retailer, has committed to a 6,000-square-foot storefront on the south end of the expanded center. The store will feature jewelry, handbags, eyewear, scarves, shoes and other items that will be grouped by color.

Icing by Claire’s will be occupying a 2,000-square-foot store near H&M in the center’s northeast corner. The store features jewelry and accessories that targets women ages 18 to 35.

For retail or tenant finish-out construction services in Destin, Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, Navarre and surrounding areas call ParsCo Construction at 850-696-7656 or email us at info@parscoconstruction.com
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Construction Issue Problem Solving by ParsCo

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Do you have problems with your building?

Problems that aren’t being solved?

  • Are you frustrated by hard to resolve problems with your building?
  • Angry about the amount of time and money you’ve spent “fixing” the problem – a problem that still isn’t fixed?
  • Tired of listening to the complaints of people in your building?

You know the type of problem I’m talking about… the one that you’ve tried over and over to fix. You’ve probably even had several different companies in to fix the problem and it’s still there, or the problem’s actually gotten worse because of the “fixes”.

If that describes your experience trying to fix a chronic problem with your building keep reading.

ParsCo can help you solve problems with your building. But not the everyday, run of the mill, kind of problems with buildings. We are talking about the problems with your building that no one else has been able to fix.

What Types Of Problems Am I Talking About?

Moisture problems, indoor air quality concerns, water intrusion, material compatibility issues, structural issues, code compliance, contractor and new construction problems… any of these ringing a bell?

To Solve Your Building Problems

You should work with someone who knows how buildings are put together, and why they work or don’t work.  ParsCo has over $500 Million in construction experience.  You can rely on our expertise to help solve the issues. 

ParsCo understands the difference between symptoms and causes.  ParsCo uses proven and effective problem solving skills and techniques.  ParsCo uses proven and effective building inspection and problem investigation methods.

When you engage ParsCo you will find a team of consultants that:

  • Can find the root cause of the problem
  • Can make a determination about how to fix the problem
  • Can design a remediation plan

ParsCo can explain everything to you so that you know:

  • What the actual cause of the problem is
  • How to fix the problem
  • What your remediation options are

ParsCo takes pride in having great communication skills. We work hard on taking complex technical “stuff” and turning it into easy to understand information that you can understand and use.

Communication skills are very important, because if you think about it…

  • What good is a list of problems if you don’t know what they mean?
  • How can you prioritize what needs to be done if you don’t understand the issues?

If you are looking for a building consultant to help you resolve building related problems then contact ParsCo today.   Our team of experts specialize in helping clients find, understand, and correct problems with buildings.

Our job is to help you find, understand, and resolve the problems and concerns associated with your project. We’ll take the time to explain our findings and we’ll explain everything in a way that you can understand and act on. We’ll discuss options and help you prioritize issues and concerns. We will treat your project like it was our own so you can be proud of your investment and know that the work was done right.

Contact ParsCo at 850-696-7656 or email us at info@parscoconstruction.com for more information.


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