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Construction Issue Problem Solving by ParsCo

Posted on by ParsCo Construction

Do you have problems with your building?

Problems that aren’t being solved?

  • Are you frustrated by hard to resolve problems with your building?
  • Angry about the amount of time and money you’ve spent “fixing” the problem – a problem that still isn’t fixed?
  • Tired of listening to the complaints of people in your building?

You know the type of problem I’m talking about… the one that you’ve tried over and over to fix. You’ve probably even had several different companies in to fix the problem and it’s still there, or the problem’s actually gotten worse because of the “fixes”.

If that describes your experience trying to fix a chronic problem with your building keep reading.

ParsCo can help you solve problems with your building. But not the everyday, run of the mill, kind of problems with buildings. We are talking about the problems with your building that no one else has been able to fix.

What Types Of Problems Am I Talking About?

Moisture problems, indoor air quality concerns, water intrusion, material compatibility issues, structural issues, code compliance, contractor and new construction problems… any of these ringing a bell?

To Solve Your Building Problems

You should work with someone who knows how buildings are put together, and why they work or don’t work.  ParsCo has over $500 Million in construction experience.  You can rely on our expertise to help solve the issues. 

ParsCo understands the difference between symptoms and causes.  ParsCo uses proven and effective problem solving skills and techniques.  ParsCo uses proven and effective building inspection and problem investigation methods.

When you engage ParsCo you will find a team of consultants that:

  • Can find the root cause of the problem
  • Can make a determination about how to fix the problem
  • Can design a remediation plan

ParsCo can explain everything to you so that you know:

  • What the actual cause of the problem is
  • How to fix the problem
  • What your remediation options are

ParsCo takes pride in having great communication skills. We work hard on taking complex technical “stuff” and turning it into easy to understand information that you can understand and use.

Communication skills are very important, because if you think about it…

  • What good is a list of problems if you don’t know what they mean?
  • How can you prioritize what needs to be done if you don’t understand the issues?

If you are looking for a building consultant to help you resolve building related problems then contact ParsCo today.   Our team of experts specialize in helping clients find, understand, and correct problems with buildings.

Our job is to help you find, understand, and resolve the problems and concerns associated with your project. We’ll take the time to explain our findings and we’ll explain everything in a way that you can understand and act on. We’ll discuss options and help you prioritize issues and concerns. We will treat your project like it was our own so you can be proud of your investment and know that the work was done right.

Contact ParsCo at 850-696-7656 or email us at info@parscoconstruction.com for more information.


Construction Management

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