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HBA Meets with ECUA / City of Pensacola on Road Restoration Specifications

Posted on by ParsCo Construction

PHOTO: From left, HBA President Taylor Longsworth of East Hill Building & Design, ECUA Engineer Brian Reid, Amir Fooladi of ParsCo, Ronnie Rainwater of Adams Homes, (Back right) Fred Gunther of Gunther Properties, ECUA Executive Director Steve Sorrell, City of Pensacola Administrator Eric Olson, City of Pensacola Engineer Derrik Owens and Adams Homes Regional Manager Duncan Hudnall. (Not pictured Steve Geci of Geci Engineers).

The Home Builders Association of West Florida hosted a meeting yesterday afternoon with representatives from Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) and the City of Pensacola to gain a better understanding of the water/sewer connections and roadway cuts.

After discussing the issue, City Engineer Derrik Owens will evaluate best practices to restore a roadway to see if there is an inexpensive way make repairs that will not compromise the integrity of the road. ECUA, who on April 19 said it would not cut or restore a roadway in order to make a water or sewer connection, will continue provide the cuts, hookups and restoration of a roadway with a temporary patch (This change was made on 4/23).

The permit holder is responsible for following the City’s procedures to restore the roadway to the City’s specifications. The main issue had to do with the milling of the road, where ECUA estimates ranged from $8,000 to $10,000 per patch because of the large milling equipment needed. After evaluating the costs of this, it was never the City’s intention for a homeowner/builder/developer to absorb the estimated expense. The milling can be done with a hand held milling machine or a skid steer with a milling attachment at a much cheaper cost.

The City will look into providing this service for a fee. The HBA appreciates the leadership of ECUA and the City of Pensacola who agreed to meet on very short notice. Also, thank you to ECUA Board Member Vicki Campbell for helping with this issue.

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