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Address: 700 N. Devilliers, Pensacola, FL 32501 - Phone: (850) 696-7656 - info@pars-co.net - License #: CGC1512307

Historic home renovations – Pensacola FL

Posted on by ParsCo Construction

We recently met with a client that wanted to discuss a new high-end residential project. They had purchased a historic home and wanted to knock it down and start over with a new home. When we asked them ‘Why?’ they explained that building a new home would be so much easier than renovating. 

At ParsCo, we realize that the task to renovate a home is much more difficult than building a new home. We also understand the delicate balance between merging the old with new. Custom design details and finishing touches are essential elements of a historic home remodel. Careful consideration must be given to the period in which the property was built, present day functionality, as well as possible future use and maintenance. Remodeling a historic home not only requires sensitivity towards design and the architectural history of the home, but also an understanding of the logistics involved in obtaining approvals.  

In a City like Pensacola, the first City in the United States, we never shy away from a historic home renovation and we put our extensive knowledge and experience in construction to make every Historic home renovation a success. Anybody can knock down a house and build a new one, but very few companies have the skill set to manage, design, and construct a Historic renovation. Our success and experience has helped ParsCo to be recognized and hired by the United States Department of the Interior and the National Park Service to perform restoration on some of our countries most historic national treasures dating back to the 1800s. 

Here are some photos of one of the Historic homes we renovated last year. It truly is beautiful. 

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