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ParsCo review of the World’s Largest Concrete Pour Scheduled in Los Angeles

Posted on by ParsCo Construction

ParsCo Construction (Pensacola, FL) prides itself in having extensive experience in completing massive structural concrete projects and high-rise construction.  ParsCo knows the blueprint for the successful execution of a project is as important as the blueprint for the project itself. That’s why we develop accurate construction plans, as well as efficient, thorough, complete, and cost-saving construction management methods. All of which are extremely critical when preparing for a world record concrete pour. 


ParsCo recently reviewed and evaluated the first high-rise project in Los Angeles in more than 20 years, which will include a foundation system that is expected to break the Guiness Book of World Record’s largest concrete pour in the world.  The Wilshire Grand project is a 73 story project that will include offices, retail, and hotel rooms and is expected to be completed in 2017.  Turner Construction is the General Contractor, and in conjunction with Los Angeles based architecture firm AC Martin and Engineering firm Brandow and Johnston, completing a continuous pour to complete the  concrete foundation was considered the most economical way to do the project. 



So just how massive is this concrete foundation?    The total concrete pour volume is estimated at 21,200 Cubic Yards (CY).  CalPortland, the concrete supplier, is expected to utilize 208 concrete trucks to each make 10 deliveries from one of nine batch plants.  Turner will mobilize 19 pumps which will dispense the concrete through 13 different hoses into the pit.   The entire pour process is expected to take 30 hours.  The pit is reinforced with nearly 7 million pounds of reinforcing steel and the total estimated weight of the concrete will be 84 million pounds. 


So how large exactly is the foundation and the building?  The pit is estimated to be 18 feet deep and nearly two-thirds the area of a football field. The project will be the tallest high-rise west of the Mississippi River. 


1 ParsCo Construction High-Rise

One major task in being able to complete a concrete pour of this magnitude was to develop a system that would cool the concrete heat of hydration (exothermic reactions) enough for it solidify.  This was accomplished by installing nearly 19 miles of plastic tubing throughout the foundation to pump refrigerants through the mass for a period of 2 weeks. 



This project is no small task, and careful review and evaluation was required to plan this activity.  Because of the magnitude and costs involved, the main topics of consideration that required planning with back-up contingency plans were:

1)       Sourcing materials – concrete batch plants within 20 miles of site – 8 to be used with one backup

2)      Access from batch plants to site – concrete needs to be placed within 90 minutes of being batched

3)      Pump trucks – having on-site 18 trucks with one backup

4)      Cooling system to achieve proper strength of materials

5)      Design considerations and how to make project a reality utilizing real-world means/methods available to construction crews today



For more information on how to involve ParsCo in planning, reviewing, and building your next construction project, call us at 850-696-7656 or info@parscoconstruction.com.


Visit us on the web at www.parscoconstruction.com



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