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ParsCo’s solution to Design and budgeting

Posted on by ParsCo Construction
A majority of the time, Owners hire a designer to design a project and then the project is priced for construction.
When ParsCo is not involved, the architect or designer draws the project unencumbered by a defined budget and excludes the ParsCo’s cost assessment. After the design is completed, the job is sent out for bid to numerous contractors who have not been involved in the developing design of the project. The scope of work is generic, MEP design is not finalized, fixtures and products are scoped as allowances and assumptions are made for unknowns. More often than not the bids come in over the budget. Here is where the blame game begins. The Client tells the designer the bids are way over budget, the designer says it must be the contractors fault, call more contractors. You question the contractors bid amounts and they claim the designer over drew the project and you need to cut back or invest more. Maybe you take a chance on the lowest bid who bid per the plans not mentioning what was missing. In the end the client ends up scaling back the design, throwing out the design, or starting over. This triangle includes three separate competing parties who never had a chance to work as a team. Everyone loses. The client loses the most; time wasted, money on design wasted, pressure to work with lowest bid contractor (with reservations), scale back while paying more for design or canceling the project.
When ParsCo is involved in a project after the design is complete and it is determined that the project is over budget, ParsCo brings to the team an approach that allows the project to be constructed utilizing ParsCo’s innovative design value engineering process. This process can be avoided though. 
When possible, ParsCo suggests that the process begin with the client hiring a designer or architect to develop a design for a project and involving ParsCo from the onset. The ParsCo approach is participatory and includes design, feasibility, scope development, product selection, construction and project management. The client, ParsCo and designer are all equally involved as partners from the outset. ParsCo accepts single source accountability for the entire process. Instead of the projects budget being the result or afterthought of the project’s design with the ParsCo process your design is derived as a result of your budget.  ParsCo works with the architect or designer during the design phase in order to accomplish cost efficiency and function while the design is being developed. ParsCo can either employ or brings in the qualified designer or architect who will agree to draw within the set aside budget range given by the client.
While the set of plans, elevations, and other drawings necessary to visualize the design are proposed, ParsCo simultaneously calculates the estimate, scope of work, a projected schedule, and a detailed warranty for the client before a final contractual commitment to build the project takes place. This gives the client a more accurate and complete picture of what the project entails well before the project starts.
The ParsCo process allows us to do as much pre-planning as possible before the job, so that when things are ready to proceed they are done in a more efficient and orderly manner. This enables greater cost efficiencies by more closely integrating production procedures with the project’s intended design.
From concept to completion, you are working with one firm which manages the entire process. This eliminates blame shifting which usually leads to the customer falling through the cracks.
To find out more about ParsCo’s Construction process and how it will help you complete your project within budget please email us at info@parscoconstruction.com or call 850-696-7656. 

Pensacola Commercial Construction 
Construction Management

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