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The Importance of Planning your next project

Posted on by ParsCo Construction

ParsCo Construction Topic: Planning

ParsCo professionals understand the importance of planning. Without the planning process, there is no way to ensure that building project will be in accordance with established plans. “When planning a project, you always must pre-plan the plan” states Amir M. Fooladi, President/CEO of ParsCo Construction. 

The project planning process requires a clear understanding of the project, the process involved, the activities involved jn completing the project, and the agreed upon project goal.  ParsCo begins the pre-planning process and once the program requirements are determined, ParsCo sets up a meeting of the various players involved in the building of the project. This includes the Owner, Design consultants, and contractors. This may also include local building officials and a Financing institutions if necessary. The planning process involves that all parties work together, as a result all parties will have a vested interest in the project’s successful completion.

“We all need to understand the importance of the interests of the parties involved in the planning process” explains Amir, “and it all starts with the Owner, the interests of the design, and most importantly the end product. By understanding the outcomes and interests of each party in the planning process, we can better understand how the building process is approached to meet the needs of everybody, especially the Owner”. 

The Owner’s interest in the project planning process stems from his or her desire to see the project built. The Owner has a desire to take occupancy of the project at some future date. To do so, the Owner participates in the planning process to ensure that schedules are set in order to build the project on time. The Owner uses the information in the planning process to determine the length of time needed to set up and pay for arrangements as well as schedule the purchase of furniture and other necessities.

The Design team needs to establish certain timelines for the building of the project. These schedules are set forth in the project process and agreed upon with the Owner. The architect’s plans incorporate the timeline for the project into the design plans in order to help the Owner and ParsCo meet their deadlines. If the planning process does not take place, there is no way to determine the best approaches for incorporating the design elements that are envisioned in the plans.

The project planning process helps ParsCo determine the expectations for the completion of the projects construction within the design elements that are set forth in the design. All parties are dependent on the project planning process to schedule and meet the ultimate goal. 

No building project can be successful without the discussions that need to take place in order to properly plan how the project will be built. By engaging ParsCo and starting the planning process, the team can be assembled so that all the information from all of the parties can be gathered, organized, and make the common goal of a successful project a reality. The project planning process is an important part of the building process that must be incorporated. 

For more information on how ParsCo can help make sure your next project is properly planned, call (850) 776-6265. 

Construction Management

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